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Mark Bosworth Fund Scholarship

Mark Boswoth was a beloved father, husband, mentor, teacher, musician, and avid cyclist. He was an advocate for expanding bicycle infrastructure around Portland and found ways to spark conversation and inspire creative problem solving around the topic. He also loved being part of Cycle Oregon, riding and volunteering for many years.

Mark was last seen by friends in Riddle, OR towards the end of Cycle Oregon’s 2011 ride. His whereabouts remain unknown to this day.

In 2013, Mark’s wife Julie set up a fund in his honor. The Mark Bosworth Scholarship grants a “full ride” for 2-4 riders each year who would like to participate in Cycle Oregon for the first time, but find the cost to be a barrier.

If you, or someone you know, could benefit from a full-ride scholarship to Cycle Oregon’s 2023 Classic, please apply here. The deadline for applications is March 15, 2023. Winners will be announced on Mark’s birthday: April 19, 2023. Each scholarship includes one registration and Tent & Porter service.

In the words of Julie Bosworth: “I know for a fact that Mark would love the idea of having his name attached to a scholarship designed to get a first time rider to experience Cycle Oregon, removing cost as an obstacle. Mark was always fixing bikes, lending bikes, helping people to get on their bikes and to gain confidence on their bikes. The Mark Bosworth Fund is another step in what Mark loved to do his entire life.”

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1 Comment

  1. Harry Goossens says:

    What a great initiative. I will be a new rider in 2023 flying in all the way from the Netherlands. I’m lucky that I’m able to come and ride not needing any finacial support.

    So I hope that you can make someone verry happy giving him/her the chang to ride !!