

Funning up the Cycle Oregon Kickoff Party and 2014 Registration – Feb. 5

2014-01-10_09-47-11For many of us, the Cycle Oregon kickoff party signals the beginning of the cycling season – or at least it helps remind us that we need to get ready to get ready for the cycling season.  This alone makes it a pretty joyous occasion.

This year’s kickoff is going to be a little more joyous because the event is being totally reimagined with a far greater emphasis on the PARTY part of the party (think a typical evening of the Week Ride except with flush toilets and no obligation to get up and ride the next day).

We’ve got a new venue – the Portland Art Museum. We’ve got a new format – beer, wine, music, dancing and even massage. We’ve got a whole new registration method – one that you’re gonna love.

There will also be a food concession featuring a few culinary delights by one of Portland’s finest catering companies, so come hungry.

We’ll even be raffling off a Week Ride Luxury Package, which will include free entry, Tent & Porter service, punch cards for concessions and much more. The winner will be announced at the event and all the proceeds go straight to the Cycle Oregon fund.  Now that’s a nice package!

The one thing that doesn’t change is the announcement of the 2014 routes, which are particularly magnificent this year. There will be roads we’ve never ridden, towns we’ve never visited and views we’ve never shown you. There will be some other surprises as well – including one really big one – but if we told you about them now they wouldn’t really be surprises.

Those who can’t make the event can watch the route announcement live on


Those of you who remember the little registration “glitch” from last year (and those of us who helped deal with the fallout) will be thrilled to know we have a brand new online registration system this year. It was designed by us and for us and it’s awesome. Look for more detail on that soon.

Online registration will begin at 9:30 P.M. Pacific time. The first 500 people through the door at the kickoff party need not be concerned about the event selling out while they are immersed in revelry because the first 500 people through the door will be given a code that ensures they will be able to register before midnight.  Even if you aren’t one of the first 500, no worries. The new registration site is mobile friendly or, for those who like to keep it old school, we’ll provide a list of places near the museum with hot spots.


·      February 5 from 6:00 to 9:00 P.M
·      Route announcement at 7:00 P.M.
·      Registration opens at 9:30 P.M.
·      Week Ride September 6-13
·      Weekend Ride July 11-13

The Portland Art Museum is located at 1119 SW Park Ave in Portland. While there is parking in the area, we encourage everyone to take mass transit. There will also be extra bicycle parking available (but riders will need to bring their own locks).

If the weather is bad, ride anyhow. Showing up to this event in wet riding gear gives you mad style points.

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  1. Is Tent & Portor serevice included with registration for the first 500 through the door or is T&P still on a first come first served basis?

    1. Dean Rodgers says:

      T&P is still first come first served and is not part of the first 500 deal.

  2. Cindy Terry says:

    Can I register my husband with myself, if he can’t get away from work to join me at the kickoff.

    1. You’ll be able to register another rider, the site will be available to pre-register riders and we will open up that function about a week before the kickoff.

      1. Will there be an email letting us know when the pre registration will be open?

        1. Dean Rodgers says:

          We’ll be supplying lots of info on registration very soon.

  3. Can children come to the kick off party with parental supervision?

  4. Can you tell us any more details regarding the week before pre-registration? What will be the difference between pre-registration and registration?

    1. Dean Rodgers says:

      Lots more info in the coming weeks here and on the Facebook page.

  5. What is admission cost for the kickoff party?

    1. Dean Rodgers says:

      There is no cost to attend, but there will be a charge for food, beer and wine.

  6. Hi. I have tried a couple of times to get on this fabulous ride but never able to register. I am in Seattle. How likely is it that I will be able to register online if I get on right away as soon as it opens, or should I drive down for the party (which of course would be fun anyway) and register there?

    1. Dean Rodgers says:

      It’s hard to say for sure. Last year it took several weeks to sell out but the year prior it sold out in less than an hour. Best bet would be either to be one of the first 500 in line OR be ready to rock as soon as registration opens. Look for details on the registration system next week. We’ll be providing tips on making it as quick and easy as possible.

  7. I’ve wanted to do this ride for years – and am finally committing to it this year. I’m coming up from Medford to be there for the party & announcement & can’t wait!!

    1. Dean Rodgers says:

      You’re going to LOVE it.

  8. If I am one of the first 500 and for some reason I am unable to go, can I give my spot to someone else?

    1. Dean Rodgers says:

      No. Being part of the first 500 guarantees you the ability to register on Feb. 5. The cancellation policy remains the same for everyone.

  9. Can someone who is one of the first 500 through the door use there code to register more than one person?

    1. Dean Rodgers says:

      No. That’s just for one. However, you will be able to register more than one if you don’t use the code. More details to follow.

  10. The party sounds like a lot of fun. Can I buy raffle tickets if I cannot attend the event? The preregistering, the 500 guaranteed spots, sounds like a plan that will result in a very fast sell out, faster then 2012.

    1. Dean Rodgers says:

      Raffle tickets will be sold only at the event. It’s very hard to predict how long it will take to sell out, but our advice is the same as every year — be ready as soon as registration opens. We’ll be providing a list of places near the museum where people can access WiFi. We’ll also be providing details on registration very, very soon.

  11. It says for the first 500 a place in the week long ride is guaranteed.

    What about the weekend warriors ? Do we have any such guarantee if we are in the first 500 ?


    1. Dean Rodgers says:

      It only applies to the week ride, but the weekend usually takes a while to sell out. You should be able to sign up when you get back from the kickoff party no problem.

  12. I will be in Florida during the kickoff. I am hopping to sign up at midnight Florida time. Please keep me informed regarding sign up issues. DC

    1. Dean Rodgers says:

      Registration opens at midnight thirty for you in Fla.

  13. Mark Halldorson says:

    My wife will be at a company meeting out of town. I will be at the kickoff. If I am one of the 500, does that mean my wife would be also if I sign her up at the same time as me before midnight? I would not want to be given a spot, only to have it sold out before i could get her signed up also…….

    1. The coupon is only good for one person, maybe you can drag a friend along? We don’t mind if you do.