Throughout the year, Cycle Oregon showcases unique and beautiful parts of rural Oregon. Our events connect riders to the land and the communities that make our state a great place to live and ride, and a perfect destination for Oregonians and out-of-state visitors, alike.
The proceeds from the events go into the Cycle Oregon Fund, which helps preserve and protect the special places of Oregon and supports community development projects in the regions through which we ride. Cycle Oregon grants focus on three key areas: Environmental Conservation and Historic Preservation, Bicycle Safety & Tourism and Community Projects.
To date, Cycle Oregon has awarded 303 grants totaling $2.2 MM through our community and signature grants. In addition to that, Cycle Oregon also provides approximately $150,000 each year to community groups for the services they provide on our events. These groups greatly assist in planning our events and provide hundreds of volunteers whose passion and dedication make our rides a success.
If you’re interested in applying for one of our grants, you can learn more here or email with any questions.
Applications are accepted from September 23 to October 21 (at 5:00 p.m.) and notification of awards will occur in December 2019.