After a great day on Day 3, you’ll wake up well rested and ready to tackle whatever Day 4 has in store for you. Today’s ride is long on miles, but short on elevation, with the only real climb coming 10 miles before the finish line.
Day 4 has us back on the amazing Cascade Lakes National Scenic Byway. If the name is any indication, we’re in for some pretty spectacular views. The CLNSB, or CLH if you’re into the whole brevity thing, will take us by a few shimmering Cascade lakes including Wickiup Reservoir (Oregon’s second largest reservoir) and Davis Lake.
After a little R&R – resting and refueling that is – we set off in the direction of the main attraction – Crater Lake! We ride a stretch on the shoulder of Highways 58 and 97 after lunch. It is very important to remember here that even though Cycle Oregon and our good friends at the Oregon Department of Transportation and the Oregon State Police will have done our best to provide for your safety, we are still riding a stretch of major highway for a big payoff to come. Please remember the rules of the road and if you must pass another rider, do so safely. Ok? Ok.
Pep talk over. Back to the route.
As we enter the homestretch, we join Highway 138 heading toward the north entrance of Crater Lake National Park…and that one little hill we mentioned earlier. It’s only 6 measly miles of 5-6% grade. Piece of cake right? The tricky part about this hill is that it is of one of the straightest highways in Oregon – meaning you’ll be staring down the top of this hill for some time before you actually get there. After finally reaching that summit, you’ll be rewarded with a pleasant 4-mile downhill to Diamond Lake and the evening’s festivities.
I used to love riding on Cycle OREGON rides!!!!!