Other September Opportunities
We know many of you may be looking for other ride options to replace 2017 The Classic. There are a few parts of Oregon free from smoke, and you can learn about some different ride, travel and volunteering options through the following links.
Information via Travel Oregon
A compilation of up to date information on smoke and fires burning in Oregon http://traveloregon.com/getting-around/
The Oregon Coast has generally the best air quality at present. You can access Oregon Coast visitor centers here, though you will want to avoid the Southern Oregon coast due to large fires in that area: http://traveloregon.com/getting-around/oregonvisitor-centers/oregon-coast-vc/
General travel info: http://traveloregon.com
Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in volunteering your time in an area hit by fire, the Hood River County Sheriff’s Department said anyone interested in volunteering can call 541-387-7035.
If you have heavy equipment experience, the state of Washington is also being hit with historic fires and is requesting volunteer help, details here: http://www.chinookobserver.com/co/northwest/20150821/in-historic-move-state-asks-citizens-to-help-fight-fires).
Sadly, fires are not the only disaster affecting the US at present, and there are numerous opportunities to help after Hurricane Harvey if you are considering volunteering. One organization whose work is quite good is All Hands Volunteers: https://www.hands.org/projects/hurricane-harvey-response/
For Those Wishing To Ride:
RideOregonRide.com lists a host of great riding options within Oregon. http://rideoregonride.com/
If you have traveled with or shipped your bike and need assistance with building or have other bicycle needs here in Portland, please visit our partner Bike Gallery. http://www.bikegallery.com/
Other ride options in the NW region:
Saturday September 9 – RBC Gran Fondo Whistler – 1 day event, 55, 122, and 152KM options www.granfondocanada.com
September 9-16 – Adventure Cycling Sierra Sampler – week long fully supported ride, approx. 20 spaces remain open and Adventure Cycling will donate $100 for every registration to Cycle Oregon Fund. https://www.adventurecycling.org/guided-tours/fully-supported-tours/2017-sierra-sampler/
Ride Like A Girl, an Oregon based women’s cycling group has put together a number of rides in the greater Portland area throughout the week from September 9-16 open to men as well. More information is available here: http://Meetup.com/RLAGcycling
The folks at Kiwanda Hospitality in Pacific City are offering a discount package to riders affected by the cancellation of The Classic. More information is available here: http://www.yourlittlebeachtown.com/calling-all-cycle-oregon-riders
Cycling Events of note later in September:
September 24 – The Harvest Century http://harvestcentury.org/event-info/ is offering a discount to CO riders here using code: CycleOregon2017 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/community-visions-harvest-century-ride-september-24-2017-tickets-32128446047
September 30 – Reach The Beach Washington, in its inaugural event, follows the Oregon RTB template with multiple ride length options.
Discount code : CO17 will waive the personal registration fee for CO riders. Riders will still be required to meet $125 fundraising amount to benefit American Lung Association
September 30 – Bike Gallery Wine Ride