A challenging century ride, from fertile valleys into deep forest and back again

LENGTH 108.2 Miles | DIFFICULTY Extreme | 100% Paved

Nearby cities: Heppner, Ukiah

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Note: A “century” ride may imply that it can be ridden in one day; this Bikeway is not that kind of century. While a very hardy rider can finish this route in one day, most cyclists should plan to finish it in two days. Because lodging is scarce, plan ahead carefully.

The Blue Mountain Century Scenic Bikeway traverses one of the last formidable obstacles on the Oregon Trail. A century ride can imply that it can be ridden in one day. This Bikeway is not that kind of century. Most cyclists should plan to finish this ride in two days.

The route starts in Heppner with its rich history having been founded by Irish immigrants in 1887 and initially follows the Blue Mountain Scenic Byway, climbing through valley past Cusforth County Park to Arbuckle Summit at 5,319 feet. The climb is rewarded with a long 15-mile decent to Hwy 395 near Ukiah and overnight accommodations, a grocery store and a cafe.

As the route turns north on Hwy 395, it passes Battle Mountain State Park as it travels over several moderate climbs transitioning from forest to rangeland before heading west along Highway 74 through more of Eastern Oregon’s rolling hills and back to Heppner.

More Resources

Information about road conditions from Oregon Department of Transportation’s TripCheck.