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Mark Bosworth Scholarship

Cycle Oregon is a great ride for a great cause, but if there’s one thing that keeps people coming back, it’s the bonds we form on the event. Mile by mile. Day by day. Through the years we’ve become a family of volunteers, riders, supporters and friends.

Sadly in 2011 we lost a longtime family member. Mark Bosworth, a Cycle Oregon rider and volunteer went missing on the Week Ride when a swift resurgence of cancer in his brain caused severe disorientation. After a search effort in Oregon and a national media campaign, the mystery surrounding Mark’s disappearance has never been resolved.

bos2[1]But in the face of tragedy, hope has persevered. Friends and family wanted to build a lasting tribute to Mark’s love for cycling, the natural beauty of Oregon, and his tireless mentorship of young people. Over the past four Cycle Oregon rides, the Mark Bosworth Fund has sponsored 14 first-time riders who otherwise would not have been able to attend.

Applications for the scholarship are being taken at, and are due on March 15. Applicants must be a first-time Cycle Oregon rider, be physically capable of finishing the ride, and supply their own equipment. The scholarship will cover registration fees, Tent & Porter and $100 for expenses.

If you know any great candidates for the scholarship, please email this page or share our Facebook post with them. You can also get inspired by the stories of past riders. Recipients will be chosen and notified in early April.

Glee-CO14 (85)The fund is supported by individual donations from those who knew Mark Bosworth and many people in the Cycle Oregon community. The Bosworths are close to reaching their goal of raising the $30,000 needed to create a permanent endowment. If you’d like to support this amazing foundation, please consider a donation.




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