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For the Love of Photography, Give the Peace Signs a Rest

Photo: L.E. Baskow

As the Cycle Oregon blogger/content marketing/social media guy, my goal is to capture the essence of this great event through words and images and share it through as many forms of media as possible. This includes the Cycle Oregon blog and website, the Cycle Oregonian, Facebook, Twitter and even traditional media (we’re providing shots to The Oregonian this year and will offer them to national cycling publications after the ride).

Photography is one of the most effective and authentic ways to preserve the moments and show the world what Cycle Oregon is all about. But to do this effectively, I need your help. How can you help? Quit mugging for the camera while on the road. Stop with the waving, making peace signs, shaka signs, devil horns, high fives, finger pistols, fist bumps victory salutes and pointing. Shots like this have limited use and even more limited appeal because that’s not what you really look like.

If you simply pretend the photographer isn’t there and keep doing what you are doing (or perhaps smile or grimace or do whatever is natural and appropriate for the moment) the result will ALWAYS be a better and more usable shot.

Thank you for understanding.

Photo: L.E. Baskow

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