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Does it Even Count as Training?

2013-01-19_12-42-47I’ve said before and I’ll say it again — getting yourself ready for Cycle Oregon is one of the most important parts of the experience. We can all remember those awesome training rides where we have hit new heights and done things that previously seemed impossible, but, let’s face it, sometimes training can be a bit tedious.

Cycling Coach Adnan Kadir is working hard to change this. His company, Aeolus Endurance Sport, offers a range of training programs for athletes at all levels. He also puts on training camps for cyclists that offer coaching, riding, fun and rexaxing “recovery” activities, lodging and a menu designed specifically for cyclists. Better still, these training camps happen in some pretty cool destinations — that is if you think Marin and Tuscany are cool.

And if all that isn’t enough, there’s even a 10% discount for Cycle Oregon participants. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and train!

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