1991 Week Ride
Cycle Oregon IV
Sept. 8-14, 1991—Beaverton to Hood River
Day One: Beaverton to Vernonia, 60 miles
Come early to the Fred Meyer store on Walker Road in Beaverton and carbo load for the first day’s ride. We have croissants for 2,000 as the parking lot becomes a sea of cyclists waiting for the tide to go out. We ride first through the Silicon Forest – home of Oregon’s burgeoning high-tech industries – then climb the rolling hills toward the Coast Range. We spend our first night in Vernonia. If you’re allergic to tents, call the homestay number listed in the section titled “Accommodations.” This is a fairly easy day, a nice gentle ride with just enough miles, and just enough hills for you to make sure everything is in working order and ready for …
Day Two: Vernonia to Nehalem, 75 miles
Winding trails. Forest glades. Yes, those animals you see in the meadows really are much too big to be deer. They’re elk. After leaving the hills, we turn south, following the main highway for 12 miles. This will be the last major road you see all week. Then it’s downhill all the way to the beach. Sleep well to the sound of the pounding surf. You will need all your energy Tuesday because every year on Cycle Oregon we have one day that’s really memorable. This year it’s …
Day Three: Nehalem to Willamina, 93.5 miles
You’ll want to get an early start for this glorious ride. After reaching Tillamook, cyclists have the option of turning west to ride Oregon’s famous Three Capes Scenic Loop – one of the prettiest rides on the entire West Coast. There are some short, steep hills, rewarded with breathtaking views. (This loop will make the day a Century Ride.) After we strike again inland, just one barrier remains between us and a return to the Willamette Valley. At the end of the day, we pull 800 feet up to the crest of the Coast Range, then drop into a warm welcome in Willamina. Congratulations! Dance lively at the party because tomorrow is…
Day Four: Willamina to Stayton, 78 miles
Still sore? Need extra pancakes? Don’t worry, today is a leisurely ride. The pioneers who came west by wagon were lured by tales of a paradise waiting in the Willamette Valley.Wednesday you see why they weren’t disappointed with what they found at the end of the Oregon Trail. Lunch is served under the oaks by the river in Independence. Then, it’s on through the wildlife refuge to sylvan Stayton and the chance to take it easy before …
Day Five: Stayton to Estacada, 61 miles
It’s another day of easy backroads, of covered bridges, of vineyards. This morning we cycle up the Mt. Angel hill to visit the Bendictine monks – overseers of one of the finest views over the valley. Then we continue north to Estacada. This is Oregon’s timber country. Remember, it’s loggers. Not lumberjacks. And they don’t cut trees. They harvest them. There are still some big old ones left. You’ll be seeing plenty on …
Day Six: Estacada to Tygh Valley, 94 miles
You wake up, roll out of your tent, gaze at the horizon and see the sun peeking over some white things. They’re mountains. You’re going to cross them. Let’s not equivocate. This road goes uphill. (You get the idea when you notice that the road follows the Clackamas River, and you’re pedaling against the flow.) We pass by Timothy Lake, crest the mountains, then you can relax. It’s downhill to the desert. Tygh Valley is waiting with a high desert country welcome. Get out your cowboy hat and spurs. Celebrate. The only challenge left is …
Day Seven: Tygh Valley to Hood River, 79 miles
We wander north through the splendor of Oregon’s high desert country, then ride up the glorious Dufur Valley. Before the summit, we turn north and plunge down into the Hood River Valley. It’s gorgeous. It’s scenic. But most important, it’s 30 miles downhill! On the shores of the mighty Columbia River sits Hood River, home of the world’s finest boardsailing. People who live here know how to throw a party. There’s a big one waiting for us.