2023 GRAVEL Ride Guide
We’re excited to have you join us for a two-day gravel-fest down roads less traveled. We’re setting up camp at the Sherman County Fairgrounds in Moro, OR where the views are expansive and the gravel is supreme no matter which route you choose.
Gravel riders will have the whole Cycle Oregon experience – camping, showers, route support, live music, beer garden – all with the backdrop of no less than four of the iconic Pacific Northwest volcanoes. Get all the details for packing, getting to the ride, checking in, and meals– it’s all here in the GRAVEL Ride Guide.
Even if you’re a veteran of Cycle Oregon, please peruse this guide as a reminder of the things you’ll need to make this adventure a great one.
Preparation and Arriving
Sherman County Fairgrounds will open to GRAVEL riders at 3 p.m. on Friday, May 19 and the event closes Sunday, May 21 at 5 p.m. Friday is a check-in day, riding takes place on Saturday and Sunday.
The overnight site is located at Sherman County Fairgrounds; long-term parking is located on the Fairgrounds property.
To ensure a smooth arrival, please follow exact directions when driving in.
Camp Services
Our camp is filled with every thing you need for the weekend, from hot showers, to delicious meals, to great entertainment.
On the Course
Course Hours
- Saturday: 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Sunday: 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
- Riders must be on course between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m.
We do a rolling course closure as riders move through. Our sweep team follows behind the final riders to remove route signs and close the course, but their role is also to keep riders moving forward throughout the day.
Course support services are available only during the course hours. If you leave before the course opens or are still riding after the course closes, there will be no support services available. All Cycle Oregon riders still on the course after the closure time will be offered a ride to camp. If you choose not to take the ride you will be on your own to get back to camp.
Things to do in Sherman County
The town of Moro is excited to welcome Cycle Oregon riders and all of Sherman County is helping make our Gravel event a memorable experience both on and off the bike.
Sherman County Historical Museum & Visitors Center
A quick 15-minute walk from camp, the Sherman County Historical Museum contains a wealth of information, artifacts and history from this region. From the Oregon Trail to the myriad impacts of wheat and technological advancements through the years, walk through award winning exhibits and travel back in time after a great day riding. As one of Oregon’s Bike Friendly Businesses, there is bike parking on site!
Oregon’s Wheat & Wind Belt
It’s hard to miss the stately presence of wind turbines and wheat fields throughout Sherman County. While they are the main economic drivers, tourism plays a significant role as well. Whether you’re looking for a peaceful fly-fishing getaway, supreme camping & boating along the John Day river, or a day at the private auto race track, Sherman County truly has something for everyone. Wasco’s Dirty Cowgirl Saloon serves up spectacular food in a fun atmosphere, while Moro’s Huskey’s 97 Market & deli or Grass Valley’s Country Market have hot lunch items along with any staples you need to stock up on.
Wander Around at Rest Stops
We encourage riders to take some time during each day to explore the towns we roll through. Sherman County is full of charming communities with local shops and a palpable sense of pride among the folks that call this slice of Oregon home. Even after two full days of riding, the peace & quiet that can only be found in rural spaces is bound to leave riders going home rejuvenated and inspired to come back again and again.
Emergency Information
In extreme emergencies, family members can contact a rider by calling the Oregon State Police at 541-776-6111. Please ask them to send an urgent message to Cycle Oregon officials. Bear in mind that it may take up to 12 hours to locate a rider and relay a message.
If you are on the road and in serious need of medical assistance, do not hesitate to call 911. In the case of a minor emergency, flag down any Cycle Oregon volunteer and they will dispatch a SAG van or ambulance.
You can help in an emergency. If you witness an accident on the course, please do the following:
- Do not move the injured rider, especially if you suspect a head or spinal injury.
- Notify a passing ambulance, SAG van or staff vehicle with the “thumbs down” signal. If there is no one around to help, call 911.
- Take care of yourself. Do not step into the path of vehicle traffic.
- Keep the injured person calm.
- Once a Cycle Oregon official is on the scene and you have given a statement, please continue on the ride.
Rules of the Ride
The number one priority of Cycle Oregon is your safety. Therefore, here are a few rules we insist you follow:
1. Only bicycles propelled by human power are allowed to participate in a Cycle Oregon sponsored event. Class 1 and Class 3 pedal-assist e-bikes are welcome on all courses at GRAVEL.
2. Helmets and two water bottles (or equivalent) are required on Cycle Oregon events. The use of rear-view mirrors is recommended as a safety measure.
3. Cycle Oregon uses a group of Safety Patrol volunteers on motorcycle who provide an on-course presence and are a good source of information or assistance during the ride. They enhance the overall safety of the ride by interacting with riders who may pose a hazard by unlawful or unsafe riding. Heed their advice.
4. By Oregon law, bicyclists are operators of vehicles and must comply with all traffic laws.Cycle Oregon reserves the right to expel any participant who demonstrates a reluctance to ride in a safe and lawful manner. Riders who violate safety laws in the Oregon motor vehicle code are also subject to citation by law enforcement officials.
5. The Cycle Oregon event courses are open for designated hours. Course support vehicles and other support services are available only during course hours. Any cyclist(s) still on the course after the designated closing time will be offered a ride to camp; if you choose not to take it you are on your own to get into camp and no course support services will be available for those who choose to stay out.
SAG support is to be used for mechanical and/or medical reasons only. Excessive use of SAG support (3 or more times) for any other reason may exclude participants from registering for future Cycle Oregon events.
7. The course will be clearly marked. If you leave the official course, you are not part of the ride and will not receive any services or support.
8. We try to direct as much vehicle traffic as possible off the route. Nevertheless, the tour travels on public road. Therefore, ride no more than two abreast. Ride beside a pal only where it is safe to do so, and where you do not block traffic or force other riders to swing far out to pass.
9. Never draft behind a vehicle. Pace lines are prohibited in areas of high vehicle or cyclist traffic and are limited in size to a maximum of seven riders. Be especially careful at railroad tracks, cattle guards, and busy intersections. Course monitors and safety vehicles may be stationed in areas of special concern.
10. Call “ON YOUR LEFT” to alert a rider you intend to pass. The call “CAR BACK” passes the message forward when a vehicle is approaching from behind. Use arm signals to indicate turns. Point out potholes, broken glass and other hazards to those behind you. Signal your intention to stop, and pull off the roadway.
11. Use of headphones while riding on Cycle Oregon events is highly discouraged. Safe group riding in an event such depends on communication between cyclists. Headphones interfere with that process and make it difficult for people to hear instructions such as “CAR BACK” and “ON YOUR LEFT.” Headphones also make it difficult to hear approaching cars or trucks, negatively impacting the safety of cyclists and motorists.
12. Cycle Oregon enjoys a reputation for leaving our campsites, lunch spots, rest stops, and course spotless. Please dispose of all trash and recyclables in the appropriate places.
13. Cyclists must keep the roadway clear when stopping at an event-designated stop or any other location. Please ensure that bicycles are parked off the road and that cyclists do not congregate on the roadways.
14. Cycle Oregon events include assorted drinks at meals and all rest stops. Still, the responsibility for carrying sufficient water and remaining properly hydrated is yours. Make sure you drink extra fluids before, during, and after the ride to reduce the risk of dehydration. While in the saddle, you should consume an average of one liter of fluid for each hour of riding. Drink before you become thirsty. By the time you feel thirsty, you are already slightly dehydrated. Muscle cramping can also be a sign of dehydration. If at any time you run low on water, signal a SAG van with a “thumbs down” and ask for a fill-up. Do not be tempted by roadside rivers and streams, as the water may contain bacteria or parasites.